Trusted communication partner for center and homeKids Note knows both the parent's love and the teacher's sincerity for the child.
Best communication solution that connects mind and mind, Kids Note.
Kids Note knows both the parent's love and the teacher's sincerity for the child.
Best communication solution that connects mind and mind, Kids Note.
No. 1 communication brand, Kids NoteThe choice of 85% of all center directors!Company Information
- Cumulative Subscribers4million +
- Cumulative App Downloads10million +
- Centers Using Kids Note Worldwide85,000+
- Kids reports drafted to date920million +
Kids Notes was launched
out of our love for children
and gratitude towards teachers
The first service of its kind
has grown into a global
kids report service
Kids Note continues to create
meaningful changes in
childcare and education.
Best communication solution for
centers and families, Kids Note!
for allAll center directors, teachers and parents
can use Kids Note, free of charge.
PC and mobileUse Kids Note anywhere,
on any device.
communicationKids Note offers efficiency to
centers and trust to families.Winner of the 2019 Korea First Brand Awards
(Grand Prize for mobile report services)
uses Kakao technologyKids Note is a Kakao subsidiary, offering
services based on Kakao's secure and stable technology.
No. 1 user experience and service!Make special communication with
Kids Note
Kids Note
your center needsChoose from 11 menus and features, including reports, notices and albums, and use only the features your center needs. Go to Settings and use the ON/OFF button to enable and disable the features.
to increase work efficiencyKids Note's answer to repetitive tasks! Save drafts of posts you were writing for later, or schedule comments the day before to free up your time during the busy afternoon hours.
hidden, protecting teacher's privacyThe Kids Note service is based on user IDs, so personal information (e.g.: mobile phone number) is not disclosed and teachers' privacy is protected. When parents write a report late at night, they are recommended to use the schedule send feature to reduce teachers' burden of having to work after hours.
for easy communicationKids Note makes communicating with parents of multi-cultural families easier! Kids Notes provides automatic translations in 91 languages. Kids Note also offers a spellcheck feature, allowing mistake-free communication with the center and families.
with KidsnoteBookEven the happiest memories are forgotten after time. KidsnoteBook helps you preserve their child's precious memories using information in Kids Note's report and album. When children become healthy adults, parents can share memories of their childhood with them with the KidsnoteBook.
Kids Note StoreKids Note Store is filled with goods carefully selected for Kids Note members. Find many items that are customized for center directors, teachers and parents, as well as a variety of events, including showcase of popular items and free trials.
Manage documents easilyEfficient administrative
work done with e-Docu+Learn More e-Docu+
work done with e-Docu+
Simple and safeChild Management
Use the admission document feature to collect data,
and safely manage documents, from storing to printing.

Recorded on your child's Kids Note reportBehavior Observation & Growth Check
Simply load contents in Kids Note's report and album
to easily write down information and check your child's development.

Quick and no contactAdmission Management
Just select the document and the child!
Two clicks is all you need to request documents needed for admission and operation,
and to check how documents are being processed.

Make your center work smarterHow about these services?
Easy communication, handy academy management!
Operate your academy
smartly with ClassNote
Communication, feedback, tuition payment, etc.
You can manage it efficiently.

Visit Kids Note's KakaoTalk channel to get answers to more questions!